Saturday, December 20, 2014

Bye bye Bishop

The end of December is nearing and it is time again to hit the road. We have loved every moment of the experience in our first destination, and are definitely psyched to return.

Our route to Bishop, California

First, a quick update on our van home. The Millenium FalcVan has been great for us, and we have all the room we need. It's a wee bit cluttered at the moment, but here are its primary features....

The shelf that holds many of our random bits. Books on hand, first aid kits, muscle/tip/dry skin equipments, etc etc. Yoga mats for essential stretching times.

Our kitchen area! Many more essential things (food!) are stored in these cupboards. The counter is just the right size for prepping cold meals late at night, or storing delicious 35 cent loaves of bread from Erick Schat's bakery...

The front area, behind the curtains. This tends to be the hardest to keep organized, mostly because of the constant turnover of hiking shoes/flip flops/climbing shoes/camp slippers, and the (many) very inexpensive cases of beer... Our plug-in cooler, which has been working GREAT as powered off our solar panel, fits perfectly between the seats.

The bed has turned out to be plenty big enough and nice and cozy. We have a thermometer in the van, and so far mornings have been between about 3 and 6 degrees when we wake up - so the hardest part about the bed seems to be getting out of it!

Finally, we have started a memory wall on our sliding door. So far we have put up some photos from home, but we're planning to keep adding as the trip goes on.

The bouldering in Bishop has been outstanding, but one of the coolest things has been the chance to climb with so many great friends. In a culmination of vans and climbing psych, we spent nearly three wonderful weeks with Julie, Dan, Mika and Tristan, and also had the pleasure of connecting with the lovely Aussie's, Ali and Jordan. We had the joy and pleasure of meeting Sam and Steph (check out their roadtrip and blog here), Josh, and Matt as well many other lovely human beings. Great bouldering, great Shanghai Rummy, great Sleepytime tea. I don't think I managed any true group shots, but a number of moments do capture some of the good times...

There are several areas to boulder in Bishop, and we focused most of our attention on three of them: The Happy Boulders, the Sad Boulders, and the Buttermilks. The Happies and the Sads are small canyons packed to the brim with volcanic tuff boulders. Pockets, crimps, jugs - steep overhangs and technical slabs - basically lots of fun movement and sequencing potential. The Milks are well spaced, impressively huge monzonite boulders. Skin robbers, but lots of fun.

Graham and I tried to climb as much as we could in these three areas. We wrapped up with G topping 190 problems (VB to V11), and me finishing 88 (VB to V5). Our time in Bishop is the longest period completely dedicated to bouldering that Graham and I have now experienced....and our bodies are feeling it. As much as we didn't anticipate saying this, we are looking forward to the few days of rest before we make it to our next destination. Raw and bleeding tips, aching wrists/tendons/joints, sore muscles to the point of feeling bruised all over, and plenty of surface scrapes and bruises to top it all off. Yet - this is all part of the game, part of the joy of working projects and making progress and experiencing new lines. This is what we love.

A few of the problems we climbed were memorable enough to occupy our day dreams and night dreams, and keep us focused and ambitious. These were projects that shut us down, kept us trying, kept us fighting. Heartbreaks (some of them which are STILL heartbreaks), and those that ended in celebration. Here were some of our favourites:

Acid Wash (V10).
First V10 of the trip. This was one of two problems Graham had his sights set on before heading out to Bishop. Over the course of two days he worked out the moves, with the last move giving him the most trouble. After countless attempts going to the last hold, Julie suggested, "why don't you grab the good part?" So smart... following her great advice, Graham sent first go next day!

Sucker Punch (V5).
I spent four days over the course of nearly three weeks working this climb. The line is beautiful, powerful, short, crimpy, and fun. Each day ended with a little bit of progress, hence the desire to continue. Unfortunately it is also a climb that demands a lot of skin, and with a tough right-hand full crimp at the crux, it is rough on the tendons as well. After a session on the fourth day of working it, I left it for another day. A few hours later though, we walked past and I decided to have one. more. go. A send!

Morning Dove White (V7).
A beautiful problem on the rim, visible from much of the canyon. The problem moves from pockets to crimps with core intensive changes in body position along the way, and a spookily high top out that keeps the heart going at the finish. This problem frustrated Graham beyond belief. He made it to the hold just before the horizontal break on his first go, but despite days of trying, was unable to latch the good holds that lead to the top. Eventually, Graham switched the beta for the last move and topped out second go with the new beta! Hurrah!

Molly (V5). 
Definitely my favourite problem so far in Bishop. A hard, beautiful line that climbs with big yet technical moves on small holds, up a tall and slightly overhanging face – with the business up high. Super proud of this climb, it was super fun every time I was on it, and one that I felt provided measurable success each day.

Beefcake (V10) / Beefy Gecko (V11).
Beefcake was the other climb (along with Acid Wash) that Graham had his sights set on in Bishop. This was until he went and actually tried it one afternoon following a long day of climbing.... moves that felt way too hard for him to do. After those few tries he had essentially given up on the problem, but the niggling ambition eventually encouraged him to return to try again. We went one afternoon (where we met Sam and Josh!) and he was able to figure out the crux moves in isolation. We went back the next day and after a few attempts Graham topped the problem out! On Dan's recommendation, he decided to try Beefy Gecko, a problem that does the crux moves of Beefcake then proceeds right to do one more hard move before a jug finish. A send next day marked his first V11!! Wooooo!

Fly Boy Arete (V5).
The problem that did my finger in... So pleased to have walked away with a send on this one, even though I would trade no send for no injury in a heartbeat. I had a great time working this problem with friends  - it was hard for me the whole way through, a climb that demanded almost more than I thought I had to give out. To top it all off, the top out felt like the most desperate struggle of any of my projects so far. Fun, powerful, and thrutchy - I'd recommend it!
Photo by Tristan Ploughman

We are off to Joshua Tree now for Christmas, but much of Bishop remains on our radar… we’ll be back.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Finger injuries.... ouch.

This winter marks my 10 year anniversary of rock climbing - and what a wonderful 10 years it has been. I have to count myself among the lucky, as throughout my whole climbing career I have never sustained a finger injury.
Precious, precious fingers. Nothing but a few raw tips.
Alas, it seems my time has come. Yesterday while climbing I bumped dynamically to a crimp, quickly pulling down on the hold to turn it into a lock-off. As I pulled through the movement, I felt and heard a loud double pop in my finger - loud enough that I asked my spotters mid-climb if they heard it. Adrenaline somehow pushed me to finish the problem, but that certainly marked the end of my day. As I mentioned I have no experience with these injuries, but based on symptoms and location I think I'm dealing with a partial A4 pulley tear. Maybe a collateral ligament strain, but I believe the cause makes this less probable...

We're almost finished our time in Bishop and then we're off to visit family for a week. Not knowing how bad my finger is, I will start with one to two weeks off and gently work my way back in. There are some great articles out there with good advice on rehab for pulleys. One example is this article, which focuses on the often more severe A2 pulley injuries, but has some good tips.

But now, if anyone is interested in what a *possible* partial tear of the A4 pulley in a left ring finger sounds like..... turn your sound up and click here:

It seems good things must come to an end. Here's to waiting for the next good thing!
<3 Kim

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Bouldering in the Bishop sun

Bishop, California.

We made it here in two days, driving south through Washington, Oregon, California, into Nevada, and then back into California. Bishop is nestled in Owen's Valley of the Great Basin Desert, just east of the Sierra Nevada. We are staying for a month or so at the "pit" campground - friends and outhouses for only $2 a night can't be beat!

We've climbed three days so far, two in a place called The Happies, and one day in the stunning Buttermilks. We've been climbing with a bunch of friends from Victoria and Vancouver which has been great. Dan, Mika, Tristan, and Julie are all down here for several weeks as well. It's still a bit early for updates on progress and projects, but we have a few photos of the area to share...

The Happies is an area with a SUPER high concentration of boulders, and the rock is volcanic tuff like in Smith Rock. There are lots of pockets and fun holds, and the colours are lovely!

Kim warming up on the Sabres of Paradise boulder
Graham trying hard on Alex Patterson (V5)
Working the moves on Morning Dove White (V7)
After the Happies, we checked out the Buttermilks. The scenery is stunning. The boulders are big and well spaced, and the whole place has a light and airy feel. The granite boulders here reminded us a bit more of back home in Squamish, aside from the height of course.

Pretty scenery!
More pretty scenery!
Dan on top of a REALLY large boulder, the Grandma Peabody
Kim working on project Go Granny Go (V5)
Dan climbing Go Granny Ho (V7)
Graham considering a top out on the Smooth Shrimp boulder
Julie working the crux move of Perfectly Chicken (V5)
So close!!

And of course, there is life back in the pit. Such a fun place to hang out after a day on the rocks.

Jackson, looking majestic :)
Desert stars

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Hitting the road

We are on our way. Conversion = finished.

Our conversion project certainly demanded more than we expected, and of course took an unexpected amount of time to complete. We arrived in Victoria to work on the van on September 20, with grand ambitions of being on the road quickly. We were proven wrong...

Departure Goal #1: October 7, about 3 weeks after arrival. Quick rush for dentist appointments, insurance changes, etc before leaving.

Departure Goal #2: October 13, Thanksgiving

Departure Goal #3: October 18, leave on or around Mom's birthday

Departure Goal #4: October 25, the last weekend of October

Departure Goal #5: October 31, make it back to through Vancouver before November

Departure Goal #6: November 5, we can do it!

Departure Goal #7: November 9, by the end of the weekend

Departure Goal #8: November 13, seems reasonable...and on our way before the weekend

Departure Goal #9: November 16, out by the end of the weekend

Departure Goal #10: November 18, before the rains come

Actual Departure: November 20, two months after arrival

AND we're on our way now! Three and a half years in the making, we find it hard to believe that this road trip is really real. Over the next couple days we're taking the Millenium FalcVan through Vancouver and Seattle to see friends, then will be off to Bishop, California for the first month or so of climbing. Our goal is to post at least once for each location we visit throughout our adventure. We will also post more photos of the finished conversion in the near future. Friends and family - we're cancelling our phones tomorrow, so may the internet keep us connected.

For every great adventure,
Graham and Kim


Saturday, November 15, 2014

DIY VanLife: GMC Savana Camperization - cupboards, counter, shelves

We've done some more building - and are happy to report that this part of the process was fun and relatively simple! We decided to build some indoor living storage space where we can keep food and supplies, as well as a shelf for some odds and ends.

#1. The Cupboards

We bought a 20L water jug and sized out the depth and height of our counter based on its dimensions. We wanted the water jug on a shelf high enough to fit above a wash basin underneath and easily fill a full sized Nalgene water bottle. We also wanted a cupboard on either side of the water jug. So here's the initial template - 48 inch walls, a counter top that is 16.5 inches deep and 42 inches long, and cupboard height of 21 inches. The walls, shelves, and counter were made with leftover sheets of 1/2" and 5/8" plywood.

We covered our counter with more blue arborite counter top, and used a router to get clean cuts around the edges.

We also routed out grooves of 1/8" depth in the walls to inset our shelves and counter top more securely. We had to build all the puzzle pieces before we could assemble the whole unit.

Once in place, we had shelves of varying heights in each cupboard, and our home for the water!

As we will be living in a moving vehicle and driving our home around with us, we wanted to make as many "fences" as possible to keep things contained. We built a small fenced-in area at the rear on the counter top itself, and made smaller fences to screw onto the front of each shelf.

We also added that sticky no-slip stuff to our shelves to prevent (or reduce) the chance of things rolling around. Finally, we secured the whole structure to the wall. We didn't have much to play with, but we did manage to screw it into the side of the bed and used corner brackets to connect to the wooden studs we put in during the insulation phase. Pretty tight squeeze to get into these cupboards!

Finally, we built ourselves some cupboard doors. This was super fun - We cut 1/8" plywood to be inset into 0.75x1.75" cedar edges, and then glued and brad-nailed them together Pretty doors!

We went shopping for a new tool - a forstner bit - to drill holes to inset our full overlay hinges in the cupboard doors. It was pretty finicky getting the hinges aligned properly, but in the end I guess we got close enough - they work great! We painted one of the doors with chalkboard paint which we will be sure to fill with secret messages. 

#2. The Shelf

We decided to put our extra storage shelf at the foot of the bed. We had some difficulties trying to figure out how we would adhere it because the studs were limited in this area. We ended up deciding to make the shelf the full length of the bed so we could screw it into the metal with corner brackets at either end. One stud in the middle of the shelf provided some extra support, as did another divider with some support near the ceiling. We didn't want to put a door on this shelf, so we added a 4" fence to keep things from going flying.

The next mission = wiring the solar panel and all of our gadgets! Then we'll be on our way.